Our mission

Who we are

We have a small breeding program producing healthy and happy puppies near Edmonton, Alberta Canada. We do not cross breed nor have Tri Yorkies, Chocolate Yorkies or any other kind of variation.  

Our focus is on Canadian Kennel Club registered Yorkshire Terriers that fit within the Breed Standard.

Embark tested including PLL and PRA. 

A member in good standing with the Canadian Yorkshire Terrier Association of Canada and with the Canadian Kennel Club.

We have been breeding quality Yorkshire Terriers since 2000 and enjoy going to CKC dog shows and continue to raise our Yorkies to compete.

Our goal is to improve the breed with each carefully chosen breeding but not all Yorkies are structurally or temperamentally suited to the show ring.  Those Yorkie puppies we offer as pets.

Yorkies can come in all sizes and may be different shades of gold & blue but all should have the love of life that Yorkies are known for.

Looking forward

Selectively breeding for success not only in the show ring but for success with our placements in your home.
We strive to be there for our Yorkie family throughout the years.
We encourage you to keep in touch with us for the whole lives of your Yorkies.
We appreciate all the photos and updates!

Special Mentions

It takes a village

Thank you Glennis Doig for handling Can Ch Tarmar's Deva ap Annwn, bringing her to her championship, and Kay Tardif-Martin for breeding a great girl!  Our first Champion!

Can Ch Annwn N Tarmar's Dynamite was our first home bred Champion! Thank you Kay Tardif-Martin for finishing him!

Thank you Glennis Doig for bringing our homebred girl Can Ch CwnAnnwn's Devatude at Yorkhouse to her Canadian Championship and sending her back to us.

Thank you to Sarah Moseley for handling our Can Ch CwnAnnwn's Mustang Sally from her first point to her finishing point.

Our Deva grandson is a Canadian Champion. Ch CwnAnnwn's Billy the Kid.

Our boy, Luci, finished his Grand Championship at just under 20 months old being exclusively owner handled! He is now Gch Yorkhouse The Fallen Angel.

Thank you to all those people who continue to help me in the showring!

Special Mention

Thank you to Geri Lyons for entrusting Can Ch LyonsDen Star Gazer to us so many years ago!

Thank you to Michelle Mitchell and Glennis Doig for allowing Can Ch Yorkhouse the Fallen Angel to live with us! We finished his championship at just under 10 months old!